Sunday, July 17, 2005

Well I've finally taken the dive. It's been a debate (I'm not going to lie) but in the end, as it is with so many other things in life, I have caved to the irresistable siren song of: "Everybody else is doing it!"

For a long time I've wanted a blog, but, I've also always had mixed feelings about the practice of blogging. There are times when I think these spaces offer some kind of alternative space for thought and expression that is somehow less influenced by all of the mind-warping crap that hits us every time we walk out the door. Posting can be a kind of 'knowing glance' that you share with readers. It's all the stuff you'd say in a play (or in life ;)) when you're involved in one of those 'aside' moments. But on the other hand I also tend to complain from time to time about how people should just talk to eachother more in person instead of using things like MSN, E-Mail, Blogs, or the phone ect... I would hate for all the good that blogs bring to occur at the cost of some good old fashionned person to person time, since so many things in life conspire against that already.

In any case I guess we'll just have to see which way this plays out...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pig enters the blogosphere...

11:07 p.m.  

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